Companies in the bizSAFE community are listed on the WSH Councils website and can proudly display the bizSAFE logo on their business collaterals (such as letterheads. name cards etc) as a reflection of their commitment to safety.
In addition, a company enjoys other business privileges and advantages offered by bizSAFE partners that include various government agencies, financial institutions, insurers, big corporations, and suppliers.
BizSAFE allows SMEs to be able to meet contractual requirements by bizSAFE partners, which include major shipyards, large construction companies, and developers, as well as town councils and government agencies. These partners require their SME contractors to meet at least bizSAFE Level 3 before being considered for contracts.
Dynamic Safety can provide consultancy and assist training to your organization in achieving Risk Management (bizSAFE Level 3) or WSH Management System (bizSAFE Level STAR)