WSQ-Emergency Response and Crisis Management Development and Implementation (ECM)
This Competency Unit: Implement and maintain the Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) covers the technical skills and knowledge on emergency response principles and introduce the techniques on the management of emergencies and crisis.Aim of this module is to equip learners with the technical skill and knowledge in implementing and maintaining the Emergency Response and Crisis Management.
A competent individual must be able to successfully perform the following:
1. Implement and maintain the ERCM framework
2. Execute emergency drills according to ERPs
3. Evaluate effectiveness of ERPs
4. Maintain communication with other parts of facility areas not affected by the incident
5. Maintain communication with the crisis management team during emergency incidents
6. Ensure readiness for external support if required
Primarily, people who require such competencies are supervisors and senior/lead technicians working in the plant environment of the chemical and energy industry.
In this unit, learners can acquire the knowledge and competencies to implement and response to emergency and crisis using the principles and techniques of emergency response and crisis management.
This course aims to provide people already working in the process industry with the skills and knowledge required to Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM). It is targeted at individuals who are currently supervisors or senior technicians from the following sub-sectors:
• Chemical Production
• Oil & Gas Production
• Plant Construction
• Waste Management
• Energy Management
The competency unit would be appropriate for those with operational responsibilities.
Learners are assumed to:
1. Possess good knowledge in relevant organisational emergency response plans, procedures, policies and processes.
2. Possess good knowledge in emergency response concepts
3. Possess related training or work experience in a process plant
4. Be able to gather information and compile necessary data
5. Possess basic knowledge in decision making processes and models
6.Have communication skills using various methods and techniques
English language at proficiency equivalent to ESS Workplace Literacy Level 6