
Auditing (bizSAFE Awards Audits)

17-May-2023 14:54 PM


Companies are honored with bizSAFE awards each year for their commitment to the bizSAFE program and achievements in WSH through risk management that is sound and effective.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that achieve business safety levels 3 and above and have implemented effective risk management practices to improve health and safety performance will be recognized.

A significant part of Quality Safe's role is assessing a range of businesses to determine if they are compliant with the award requirements. During our audits, we assess an organization's compliance to various elements of the risk management scheme and check if they meet the criteria necessary to receive an award.

For our audits, we use a checklist of 100 questions compiled by the WSH Council.  It is conducted by a WSH auditing organization approved by the MOM.

Dynamic Safety provides the best consulting service to get a BizSAFE certification.