
Benefits of water efficiency management system

14-Oct-2021 18:46 PM

Benefits of water efficiency management system

  • There are few Noteable things that we are normally take for the granted as much as our ability to turn on the tap and get water in seemingly endless supply. 
  • During droughts, and although warnings about Shortages and Conservation, most of us treat this costly natural resource as a given. 
  • Many people don’t realize that it’s fairly easy to install systems for recycling and reusing water on your own possesion thereby decreasing the demands on shared supplies, and reduce your water bills as well.
  • The purpose of water efficiency standard is to enable  the organizations to assess and account for their water usage and to identify, plan and implement measures to achieve the water savings through a systematic management of water. 
  • To align with strategies for sustainable water management, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) encouraged organizations to be more innovative in their water management approaches to lower consumption.