
bizSAFE level 3-Risk Management (RM) plan

14-Oct-2021 17:08 PM

bizSAFE have a 5 levels. one of which is bizSAFE level 3.

bizSAFE level 3 is a full implementation of your organization's Risk Management (RM) plan

bizSAFE Level 3(Risk Management) recognises that your organization has conducted risk assessments for every work activity and process in your workplace, in harmony with the requirements in the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations.

To attain bizSAFE Level 3 status, your organization must engage a MOM/SAC Approved WSH Auditor to assess your company's implementation of the Risk Management to include measures against terror threats in your workplace.

Why Dynamic Safety?

     We are providing the consulting service for achieving a bizsafe level 3 (Risk management).