
Do you need any help to implement Safety Management Measures (SMM)?

14-Oct-2021 12:43 PM

Implement a system of Safe Management Measures

Employers must implement the Safety Management Measures to provide a safe working environment and minimize the risks of COVID-19 outbreaks. 
Implement a detailed monitoring plan to ensure compliance with Safety Management Measures.
Appoint Safety Management Officer (SMO) to assist in the implementation, coordination, and monitoring of the system of Safety Management Measures at the workplace. For some unionized companies, union leaders or WSH officers could be appointed as SMO.
The duties of the Safety Measurement Officer include:

  • To the implementation of Safety Management Measures, including identifying relevant risks, recommending and assisting in implementing measures to mitigate the risks, and communicating the measures to all personnel working in the workplace
  • To conduct inspections and checks, in all times. Any non-compliance found during the inspections should be reported and documented
  • To keep records of inspections, checks, and correction actions, to be made available upon request by a Government Inspector.

Dynamic Safety helps to get a Safety Management Measures (SMM) to your organization.