
Do you want to achieve the bizSAFE Certification?

14-Oct-2021 19:08 PM

Do you want to achieve the bizSAFE certification? There are five levels to you attain the bizSAFE certification.

Level 1 is an organization's top management person/CEO, should attend the half-day workshop. Then you will achieve bizSAFE Level 1.

Level 2 is a 2-day workshop.  Any nominee person should attend the 2 days course. Like safety officer, Project manager. Then You will achieve bizSAFE Level 2.

Level 3 is a fulfillment level of the Risk Management operation. MOM/SAC accredited auditors should perform the audit in your organization and achieve the RM action, Then you will achieve bizSAFE level 3. 

Level 4 It is a 4-day course for  Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS), your organization nominee person should attend the course, Then you will achieve the bizSAFE Level 4.

At the last, To achieve bizSAFE STAR, your organization must achieve ISO 45001:2018.