
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

14-Oct-2021 18:09 PM

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is one of the environmental appraisal tools being used worldwide to provide decision-makers and the concerned public with essential data to plan for environmentally sustainable economic growth. 

It is a systematic analysis of plans to determine their potential environmental outcomes and the significance of such impacts and to propose measures to mitigate the negative impacts.

As a planning tool, EIA presents methodologies and techniques for discovering, predicting, and evaluating potential environmental impacts of projects as per the project cycle. 

As a decision-making tool, it organizes information that promotes policy-making and actions that assure sustainability in the implemented projects. 

Best-practice EIA identifies environmental perils, lessens conflicts by promoting society participation, minimizes adverse environmental effects, notifies decision-makers, and helps lay the base for environmentally sound projects.