
Fire warden

18-May-2023 15:37 PM

Our Fire Wardens Training Program is designed for those in your organization who have been entrusted with the task of being fire marshals, specifically those who desire to be fully prepared for their responsibilities.

Participants will be able to accomplish these following things by the end of the program:

•                Fire Wardens must understand their responsibilities, duties, and role.

•                Have an understanding of human behavior in a fire situation.

•                Fire wardens play an important role in workplace fire safety.

•                Learn how you can prevent or reduce the effects of fire.

•                Know the importance of conducting fire drills and preparing for fires.

•                Know the features and facilities that improve fire safety.

•                Understand the range of portable fire extinguishers and how to use them

Fire Warden Training is offered by Dynamic Safety to ensure that your workplace stays safe from fires.