
How bizSAFE helps to your company?

13-Oct-2021 19:30 PM

The bizSAFE program was developed with the aim of helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) improve workplace safety and health standards.

Initiated by the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC) and endorsed by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), bizSAFE was designed to help companies cultivate good safety and healthy habits in all individuals so that they can engender a strong safety culture in the workplace.

The investment in workplace safety and health not only brings about a safer and more competitive workplace

It also helps to generate more business opportunities. 

These companies are committed to implementing, practicing, documenting and improving safe practices on a continuing basis. Participating companies become part of a bigger bizSAFE community and they may enjoy business privileges and advantages offered by other bizSAFE partners including various government agencies, big corporations, and suppliers.

Dynamic safety provides the best quality of Consulting and Auditing Service in bizSAFE.