
Importance of studying standard first aid course (CPR+AED)

14-Oct-2021 12:39 PM

      The Standard first aid covers knowledge of first aid skills and techniques. The aim of the course is to analyze the Internal Injuries, Breathing problems, and other related medical emergencies.

      The person who is the Sports coaches, Gym trainer, Physical fitness trainer, and free-lancer trainers are taking this course. Some participants have some questions.

1. Why do I need to study the standard first aid course with CPR+AED?

2. Why I can’t directly take the CPR+AED Course?

3. I need the CPR+AED Certification only, so what can I do now?

      The participant can take both CPR+AED and Standard first aid course. The main things to study the standard first aid course mean because SDU Points and SDF funding are available for the course. So there is some credit point and the participant supposed to get job promotion also. Some NROC Coaches need the Standard first aid course certificate to renew the license. So the NROC Coaches can take this course two years once to renew the certificate.

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