
Safe Management Measures at the workplace

16-May-2023 14:09 PM

From 2 June 2020, Singapore dropped the COVID-19 Circuit Breaker, and businesses allowed to resume activities in a 3 phased approach. Among many measures to minimize the risk of widespread re-emergence of COVID-19 in the community, 
The companies are required to practice enhanced safe management practices at their workplaces. Effective implementation of these measures will also help to avoid the need to restore tight restrictive measures subsequently.

Regulatory actions will be taken against incorrect employers who do not comply with the requirements. These may include stop-work orders and financial penalties.

Hence, before you resume on-site operations, it is essential for your business to implement the requirements for Safety Management Measures (SMM) at Workplaces and comply with sector-specific advisories and requirements.

To ensure COVID-safe workplaces, employers are required to:

  • Take care of your workers;
  • Take care of your workplaces and take care of those who are unwell at your workplaces.
  • Implement a system of Safe Management Measures. 

Dynamic Safety helps to get a Safety Management Measures (SMM) to your organization.