
Supervise Marine Work for WSH (Formerly known as shipyard Safety supervisor course) (SWSHMI)

17-May-2023 13:40 PM

Supervise Marine Work for WSH (Formerly known as shipyard Safety supervisor course) (SWSHMI)     

  • This course is specially designed for the supervisor who in the position of supervising the shipyard work about the safety and health of workers.
  • The course Fee is $270+GST and this course has SDF funding for Singaporeans and PR Singapore. Chargeman, Foreman, WSH coordinator, the supervisor can attend the class and they must have Employability Skills (ESS) Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level 4 and above.
  • Upon the successful completion of the course, SSG will issue the certificate to the participants. We provide this course with the best price and well-trained trainers.