
The elements of ISO 14001(EMS)

17-Nov-2021 17:21 PM

    Organizations seeking formal recognition of their EMS are required to meet numerous elements of ISO 14001:2015 within the standard. 
These requirements include:

  • Implementing an environmental policy that reflects an organization's commitment to environmental protection
  • Assigning a person or persons to coordinate the EMS
  • assessment of the organization's interaction with the environment
  • to identify actual and potential environmental impacts
  • Compliance with environmental regulations
  • Development of environmental objectives, targets, and programs
  • Measuring the progress toward achieving the objectives
  • Reviewing the performance of the system and the environment
  • Continuous improvement of environmental performance.

Workplace Health & Safety (ISO 45001) and quality management (ISO 9001) systems can easily be integrated with the ISO 14001 standard.