
Tips to Celebrate Safely Amid Worries of Covid-19 Pandemic

14-Oct-2021 14:21 PM

 Some tips to celebrate this Diwali without worries of Covid-19:

  • Keep your sanitizer in your bags or in a safe place and use it before and after exchanging the gifts or touching anything.
  • You can keep water and paper soaps handy instead of sanitizers to avoid unwanted incidents.
  • If you and your family have an underlying health condition, avoid burning firecrackers, and celebrate a safe festival.
  • As babies and elders are more at risk of infections, celebrate indoors with them, and try virtual meet your friends and families.
  • Celebrate the festival this year with your loved ones through a virtual medium. Use video-calling supported apps to connect with your loved ones.
  • Prepare your own dishes and eat home-cooked food this year. You can make special dishes together with your family.
  • Make sure you eat lots of food that contains vitamin C, omega fatty acids, and other high nutritional foods to increase the immunity level of your body.
  • The Indian way of greeting ‘Namaste’ is the best way of greeting to refrain from spreading the covid-19.
  • If you are meeting anyone even though it's advised to celebrate indoors this year, make sure proper physical distance is maintained between each other.