

01-Aug-2022 11:39 AM
WHAT IS ISO 9001:2015?
It is a versatile standard –ISO 9001:2015
We all know that ISO 9001:2015 is a global standard for quality management systems (QMS). It outlines a framework for improving quality in all organizations seeking to provide services that meet the needs and expectations of all customers and other stakeholders in the most feasible way.
Undoubtedly, QMS is a collection of numerous mechanisms, resources, assets and social aspects that help achieve the goal of customer satisfaction and organizational performance. Published in 1987, the latest edition ISO 9001:2015 replaces the earlier established edition ISO 9001:2008.
However, there is some skepticism about the importance of ISO 9001:2015 among stakeholders.
Let's try to understand what ISO 9001:2015 certification really means.
•    Each association helps set its own goals and standards of conduct.
•    ISO 9001:2015 depicts the fundamental aspects that can be used to increase efficiency by changing or streamlining efforts throughout the organization, with the true aim of reducing operational costs.
•    To suggest new changes,
•    Meet regulatory requirements, and
•    Customers ask for ISO certification to help companies enter new markets