
What is Environmental Management System (EMS)?

13-Oct-2021 20:46 PM

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a structure that helps an organization to achieve its environmental objective to the improvement of its environmental performance.

ISO 14001:2015 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) that refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs.

EMS includes the organizational structure, planning, and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining a policy for environmental protection.

Basic Elements of an EMS:

  • Reviewing the company's environmental goals
  • Analyzing its environmental impacts and legal requirements
  • Targets to reduce environmental impacts
  • Establishing programs to meet targets
  • Monitoring and measuring the objectives
  • Ensuring employees' environmental awareness
  • Reviewing the EMS and making improvements.

Dynamic Safety offers one of the best services in helping you to get ISO 14001:2015 certification to achieve an efficient and effective environmental management system.