
What is Fire Risk Assessment?

13-Oct-2021 19:32 PM

A fire risk assessment must always be carried out by the person responsible, with a written record of it kept if the business employs five or more people. In order to carry out a fire assessment, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Identify the potential fire hazards – make a note of anything that could start a fire or easily burn, if found during the assessment
  2. Identify the people at risk – work out if the risk could be greater for some people 
  3. Act on the findings – Evaluate, reduce or remove the potential risks
  4. Record – Keep a record of the findings, prepare an emergency plan and provide fire safety training
  5. Review – A fire risk assessment must be carried out regularly, with all findings updated and recorded.

Dynamic Safety provides Consulting and Auditing services in Fire Safety for your Organization.