
What you can learn from bizSAFE level 1 course?

18-May-2023 15:01 PM

bizSAFE Level 1 - Workshop for CEO/Top Management (bizSAFE Level 1)

Brief Overview of the Workplace Safety and Health Act and its Subsidiary Legislation
A brief introduction to the bizSAFE concept of risk management
Establishing a safety culture that balances profitability with safety Financial planning; balancing profitability with safety
Developing a WSH policy that is suitable

Who can take this course?

  • This bizSAFE Level 1 must be completed by top management, such as the CEO, Managing Director or General Manager.
  • Course price: $75+GST
  • Course duration: 3
  • Funding is not eligible for this course.
  • Dynamic Safety Pte will issue a certificate of completion.