
Why Occupational Health and Safety Management System is important?

14-Oct-2021 17:13 PM

OHSAS 18001/SS 506 is the Occupational Health and Safety Management.
 It is the Singapore Standard certificate.
This system act as a useful guideline for the organization through establishing, implementing, and maintaining or improving an OSHMS.
OSHMS will assure interested parties of the company's  OSH performance and proper control of OSH risk, minimize the injury, increase productivity, and cost-saving on your company.

"OHSAS 18001 certificate is going to expire on March 31, 2021, It is replaced by  ISO 45001:2018."
Benefits of OSHMS:
1. It creates a safer and healthier working environment 
2. Work under a trustworthy company 
3. Reduce risk 
4. Reduce Insurance premiums.

Dynamic Safety provides the best consultancy service to get ISO Certifications.