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Basic Traffic Supervisor Course (BTSC)

This course will cover effective planning and management of traffic control at work zone and public safety. Attendees will learn proper management for traffic control and road safety as well as proper planning based on case studies.
• Introduction LTA code of practice traffic control at work zone
• Introduction to relevant safety acts and regulations
• Job as traffic controller (road flagger)
• Worker and public safety
• Channelising & delineation devices
• Procedures in effective lane closure
• Effective placement of warning devices and safety distances
• Traffic controller/flagger operation requirements
• Theory test
• Practical training on stop-go operations
This course is suitable for personnel involved in supervision of roadwork, traffic control on / near / adjacent to the road or construction site access (especially those involved in roadwork projects/ building construction traffic controllers).
Workplace literacy and numeracy Level 4 or equivalent
116 Lavender Street, #02-01, Pek Chuan Building, Singapore 338730.
48 Toh Guan Road East, #04-149 Enterprise Hub, Singapore 608586.
Upon completion of the course, a Certificate of Competency endorsed by Dynamic Safety Pte Ltd will be issued to all participants.
SDF Funding available
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Course Duration : 8 hours (including 1 hour assessment)
Assessment : Written Test (MCQ)/Theory
Attendance : 100 % (Required)
Passing Mark : 65% for each assessment mode
Min Students : 5
Max Students : 30

Contact Us :

Address : 116 Lavender Street, #04-17 Pek Chuan Building, Singapore 338730.
PH : +65 6341 7344
Fax : +65 6341 5095
Email : contact@dynamicsafety.com.sg
Start Date : 17-08-2024
End Date : 17-08-2024
Start Time : 09:00 AM
End time : 06:00 PM
Total Days : 1
17-08-2024 (09:00 AM – 06:00 PM) Full Day
Classes : Weekend
Language : English
Location : Enterprise Hub -TOH GUAN

SGD $200.00 Price

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Start Date : 21-09-2024
End Date : 21-09-2024
Start Time : 09:00 AM
End time : 06:00 PM
Total Days : 1
21-09-2024 (09:00 AM – 06:00 PM) Full Day
Classes : Weekend
Language : English
Location : Enterprise Hub -TOH GUAN

SGD $200.00 Price

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Start Date : 19-10-2024
End Date : 19-10-2024
Start Time : 09:00 AM
End time : 06:00 PM
Total Days : 1
19-10-2024 (09:00 AM – 06:00 PM) Full Day
Classes : Weekend
Language : English
Location : 116 Lavender Street

SGD $200.00 Price

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