Workplace Safety and Health Management in Chemical, Process, Pharmaceutical Industries and Laboratories (Formerly known as Supervise Workplace Safety and Health in Process Plant) (WSHCPPIL)
This unit Process Industry Framework is a generic framework that targeted at training and skill-up workers for the process industry as well related industries. The framework comprises common cross-cutting occupational skill sets for operations, supervisory and managerial level workers across all sectors of the industry. Qualifications would be designed to take into consideration needs of the industry as well as progression articulation for workers.
1. Comply with workplace safety and health legislations, guidelines and code of practice and provide inputs for risk assessment
2. Identify hazards and control measures
3. Comply with safety and health management system
4. Implement a permit-to-work system 5. Conduct safety and health inspection 6. Conduct incident investigation
The job role(s) / occupations that this unit would be relevant to may include the following parties related to / in the process industry: Foreman, Supervisors, Technicians, Engineers and Managers
Learners are assumed to:
Have completed the relevant safety training for a process plant
Be observant and attentive to safety instructions and measures in place
Be able to respond to any sign of potential emergency situations
Be able to handle equipment with care
Be able to practice good housekeeping
Be able to communicate with the workers effectively
Be able to listen, read, speak and write English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System (ESS) level 5
Be able to manipulate numbers at a proficiency level equivalent to ESS level 5