Difference between the Corporate and Individual Funding: Normally, we have various types of funding have for the training courses. But here now going to see the difference between the funding depends on the participants. Whether the participants is apply the course through the company or apply the course from their own. Once
Read MoreWhat is the process for retrieving my bizSAFE certificate after an accident? After an accident occurs at your workplace, your company enters the Business under Surveillance Program (BUS). Companies can improve their workplace safety and health (WSH) performance through the development and implementation of safety and health management systems. Phases of the
Read MoreThis course ensures the safety and health of the workplace. The workers will continually work towards a strong WSH culture and achieving zero percent work accident Injuries. Upon the Successful completion of the course, the candidate knows the solution to come out from the following criteria Environmental Hazards, Chemical and Electrical Hazards, and Occupational Workplace Health Dise
Read MoreLeading Auditing Service in Singapore Obtain auditing services from Dynamic Safety. Among the many audit firms in Singapore, it is a top audit firm. Services provided by Auditing Singapore are in accordance with auditing standards. With our best audit services, we have established ourselves as one of the best audit firms in Singapore. With experienced and certified auditors, our audit company i
Read MoreFire Warden Training: This course (FWT) is under the Customized course. So we conduct the class based on the customer’s expectations. This is a four-hour course. Any individual or Volunteers can attend the course. This course ensures safety during a fire accident. When a fire accident occurs, the person knows the cause and behavior of the fire, How to pr
Read MoreBLENDED LEARNING: In some courses have Both Theoretical and practical session. So the blended learning means, the theoretical session has to be conducted in Online and the practical session has to be conducted in face to face physical class. Nowadays, in some schools, they asked
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