
How is ISO 45001 different from OHSAS 18001?

13-Oct-2021 18:58 PM

How is ISO 45001 different from OHSAS 18001?  1. A structure similar to other management system standards  2. The top-down approach to safety  3. Ensures workers are aware of the risks and their responsibilities  4. More focus on prevention than control  5. New clause for documented information  6. Ensure suppliers and contractors manage risks  Dynamic Saf

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Benefits of Outsourcing

13-Oct-2021 18:57 PM

Dynamic Safety offering ESH Outsourcing Services such as Full time / Part-time safety, Quality & Environmental professionals who are qualified with recognized certificates & services. Benefits Outsourcing will allow your company to: Save time Save Money Increase efficiency Maintain a safer working environment Ensure compliance with regulatory agencies Reduce the risk of liab

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SS 577 Water Efficiency Management System

13-Oct-2021 18:56 PM

The Singapore Standards Council, together with key stakeholders from government agencies and industry, has developed the new Singapore Standard SS 577 on Water Efficiency Management Systems. The purpose of the standard is to enable organizations to assess and account for their water usage and to identify, plan and implement measures to achieve water savings through systematic management of water.

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What is ConSASS Audit?

15-May-2023 17:26 PM

Any worksite with a contract sum of $30 million or more needs to register for ConSASS Audit two months after it's registration. Also, the worksite needs to undergo ConSASS Audit once in every 6 months after the initial audit completion The SHMS audit will be conducted in accordance with the relevant WSH legislation and guidelines set out for each industry. The audit will evaluate the SHM

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Information Security Management System

13-Oct-2021 18:55 PM

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a management system based on a systematic business risk approach, to establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and improve information security. ISO/IEC 27001 is the only auditable international standard that defines the requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS).  Why ISO 27001 Certificatio

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Why Health & Safety is important?

13-Oct-2021 18:54 PM

 Nobody wants to do business with corporations risk the quality of the product and the safety of their employees to increase the bottom line.  Companies who care about their employees put them first and when that happens, productivity increases.  Suddenly, the employee is no longer a number, but a person who can make a difference.  The benefits of safety in the workplace will b

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