
"CPR and AED Course (CPR+AED)"

09-May-2023 15:34 PM

The CPR and AED Course is designed to equip safety personnel with the knowledge in identifying accidents with casualties and to perform first aid skills at the workplace. Any individuals with interest in CPR and AED or first aid or has been assigned a WSH-related role in the company. Must be physically fit and able to render help to another individual during an emergency. Dynamic safety Pte Ltd P

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"Workplace Safety and Health Committee Members Training"

09-May-2023 15:31 PM

WSH Committee is committed to ensuring the safety and health of its members and employees. We believe that all WSH incidents are preventable. We will continually work towards building a strong WSH culture and achieving zero work injuries. So The Members of Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Committee should attend this course.21 SDU Points awarded upon successful completion of the Workplace Safety

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"Shipyard Safety Instruction Course for Workers (Painter Trade)"

09-May-2023 15:29 PM

Shipyard Safety Instruction Course for Workers (Painter Trade) The Workplace Safety and Health (Shipbuilding and Ship-repairing) Regulations 2008 Reg. 6 (2) stipulates that "It shall be the duty of every person not to carry out any work deemed hazardous in a shipyard or on board a ship in a harbour unless he has undergone a safety and health training course approved by the commissioner for W

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"Workshop To Enhance The Safety Of Crane Operation (WESCO)"

09-May-2023 15:23 PM

The Workshop to Enhance the Safety of Crane Operation (WESCO) is a training workshop for MOM registered, crane operators, to raise their safety competencies in the operation of cranes. Topics covered include safety practices for crane operations, updates on safety laws and regulations, safe lifting practices and lessons learned from recent crane-related accidents. In this course, you can understa

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"SOC Tunneling for workers"

09-May-2023 15:20 PM

This SOC Tunneling course aims to introduce workers to recognize common safety and health hazards and take the necessary preventive measures to avoid injuries and diseases while working in the tunnels. Understand general safety in Tunneling Works Identify hazards working in a Tunnel Practice safety procedures when operating Tunneling Equipment and Machinery Able to work safely in Confined Spaces

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"Formwork Safety Course for Workers (FSCW)"

09-May-2023 15:17 PM

This Formwork Safety Course for Workers (FSCW)course is developed for all the formwork workers to facilitate and safely construct, erect, alter and dismantle the formwork structures at any worksite. Formwork workers Companies involved formwork activities in construction sites are recommended to send their workers for formwork safety course for workers. Upon successful completion of the course, a

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