

26-Apr-2023 10:15 AM

       ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. The ISO certification process consists of three steps: consulting, auditing, and surveillance auditing. Consulting involves preparing all the documents in accordance with the management system. We will discuss the detailed process during the kick-off meeting. Our next step is to analyze the gap assessment (ga

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Benefits of a Risk Management

17-May-2023 15:07 PM

Risk management is a key component of industry sectors. The identification of opportunities is as important as avoiding or mitigating losses. You will be able to identify, analyze, and evaluate risks this way. An organization's future objectives cannot be defined without risk management. Benefits of a Risk Management Plan: It saves time, income, and assets. Safety and security are ensured f

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bizSAFE level 2

17-May-2023 15:16 PM

Shipyard Industry: A four main elements discussed for occupational safety and health program, bizSAFE level 2 Safety and Health training Hazard prevention and control Worksite analysis Management commitment and employee involvement Employee involvement provides workers develop and own commitment to safety and health protection for fellow workers. Worksite analysis provides the worksite

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Emergency Response and Crisis Management Development and Implementation(ERCMDI)

17-May-2023 15:15 PM

•    This course explains the technical requirements, how to put them into practice, and how to build a safety and security plan for use in an emergency.  Course materials: •    Create and uphold appropriate ERCM procedures. •    Create, carry out, and assess emergency drills. •    Evaluate the effectiveness of ER

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Workplace safety and health in Committee Member Training:

17-May-2023 15:14 PM

           This course ensure the safety and health of the workplace. The workers will continually work towards a strong WSH culture and achieving zero percent work accident Injuries. Upon the Successful completion of the course, the candidate knows the solution to come out from the following criteria Environmental Hazards, Chemical and Electrical

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Healthy Workplace Tips

17-May-2023 15:13 PM

  Work in a flexible manner with regards to when, where, and how you work. Studies show that individuals who feel more in control of their work and worksite are less likely to experience stress and sickness, and are more productive.                 Embrace the biophilia movement. Around your job area or adjacent, plac

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