
"Stress and Heart Health"

05-May-2023 17:56 PM

It is comparatively easy to sort out the causes that stress us out usually related to money, a failing relationship, a workplace issue or any medical condition. In a nutshell, it’s a combination of various internal and external aspects. Stress is perceived as a cause of a single major issue which is health related problems, but we are completely wrong here as it has multifold effects on our

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"Green your Workplace"

05-May-2023 17:50 PM

It's a part of human nature that first we over exploit everything around us then after it starts depleting rapidly then there are instances of long foul cries. The case of environmental pollution is no different at all. Before some important global conventions like Kyoto Protocol and Montreal Accords we turned a deaf ear towards the environmental issues and only after that when the signatory c

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"Safety Pays for Everyone"

05-May-2023 17:47 PM

Injuries at workplace do not only hamper the individual’s health but also affects directly or indirectly the profitability and health. It doesn’t only lowers the productivity but puts extra work burden on the other colleagues too as they have to bear the brunt of the absence. The effect can be felt in various verticals in an organisation: For Workers Accidents and injuries, especi

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"The Importance of Extension Cord Safety in Work Place"

05-May-2023 17:43 PM

With the evolution of electronics in the world life has become comparably easy. Extension cord is very useful in everyone’s life be it indoor outdoor but due to lack of its knowledge it becomes life threatening. Even though it’s not much expensive but can cause damage to our expensive tools and appliances. It is quite strange that during purchase of our gadgets and appliances we get ca

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"Safety Success in the Workplace"

13-Oct-2021 13:01 PM

To work in a sheltered domain free from mishaps or harm, a perspective and demeanor of security must begin at the top and proceed all through the whole association. While extreme duty regarding working environment wellbeing lies with the Chief executive officer, all representatives must be committed and take an interest in the organization's wellbeing and security plan to guarantee its prosper

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"Safe Workers are Loyal Workers"

05-May-2023 17:24 PM

A genuine working environment harm or demise changes lives perpetually – for families, companions, groups, and collaborators as well. Human misfortune and enduring are inconceivable. Word related wounds and sicknesses can incite real emergencies for the families in which they happen. Notwithstanding major budgetary weights, they can force considerable time requests on uninjured relatives. To

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