

16-Aug-2022 11:31 AM

1. bizSAFE Level 3 is an Implementation process. 2. We will prepare the document and we arrange SAC-approved auditor to audit your company and submit all the documents to the WSH council. 3. Level 1&2 individual certificates, company ACRA, company chart, and company profile documents are required to apply the Level 3. 4. Fees are based on your company workforce, scope, and auditing site. 5. 3

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Specific requirements of ISO 9001:2015

16-Aug-2022 11:30 AM

ISO 9001:2015 specifies the requirements for a Quality Management System in an organization: •    Demonstrate its ability to continue to provide products and services that meet customer and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. •    Aims to improve Customer satisfaction through effective use of the system, including processes for improving the syste

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Brief details of BizSAFE CERTIFICATE

11-Aug-2022 11:34 AM

What is a bizSAFE? • bizSAFE CERTIFICATE is a business safety certificate for workplace safety.They are five level program .level 1, 2, 3, 4 & Star. • Benefits: It is part of your company's growth. Can easily get tender and projects. It is not mandatory but helps you to be a part of the company's growth. • WSH Council provide the bizSAFE certificate • We are doing c

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Chemical, Process, Pharmaceutical Industries and Laboratories (Formerly known as Supervise Workplace Safety and Health in Process Plant)

18-May-2023 14:55 PM

Course Objective: This Supervise Workplace Safety and Health in Process Plant introduces the Process Industry Framework, a generic framework designed for training and skilling workers in this industry and others related to it. A common cross-cutting occupational skill set is provided for employees at all levels across the industry, including the operations, supervisory, and managerial levels. In

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National day of Singapore

08-Aug-2022 10:27 AM

Our minds are free, our words are true, our hearts are proud, and our souls are filled with memories. We salute you and your family on this patriotic day, Happy (National) Singapore Independence Day. We should reflect on our past, treasure our present, and work toward a better future on this day. As citizens, we are obligated to act in this manner. Keep our dear nation's flag flying high, figh

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Green Mark Certification Scheme

05-Aug-2022 17:58 PM

Since January 2005, Green Mark certification has been available. An environmental impact and performance rating system for green buildings. A comprehensive framework is provided for assessing the environmental performance of existing and new buildings in order to promote sustainable design as well as the most efficient construction and operation of buildings. Why should you apply for Green Mark c

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