

11-May-2022 10:03 AM

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. ISO certification 3 steps: consulting, auditing, Surveillance auditing. The main process for ISO certification is consulting and auditing. Consulting means we prepare all the documents based on the management system. The detailed process is first, we hold a kickoff meeting. Then we analyze the gap assessment (gap analysis) and then give

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What is customized courses?

18-May-2023 15:25 PM

A customized Courses are one that is tailored to meet the specific preferences or needs of a customer or company Types of courses offered in Dynamic Safety: Workplace safety and health committee members training. Basic traffic control course. Personal fall protection equipment inspector course. Fire warden training course. Basic traffic supervisor course. Fire emergency awareness training

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Dynamic Safety - Consulting Service

09-May-2022 17:27 PM

We are Dynamic Safety, a Singapore-based consulting company that provides quality, environmental, and workplace health and safety services to industries. Many different sectors have benefited from the QEHS solutions provided by our experts. They are dedicated and capable of providing you with effective solutions for Quality, Environmental, Health, and Safety requirements. We are able to help our

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Establishing an ISMS (Information Security Management System)

06-May-2022 17:04 PM

ISO 27001, an international standard, defines an ISMS as a system to manage information security. It is highly recommended to implement an ISMS in accordance with ISO 27002 and ISO 27001 respectively. In addition to providing reassurance to clients and potential clients, an ISMS that has been independently audited by an approved certification body demonstrates that an organization's informat

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Basic Traffic Control Course - BTCC

18-May-2023 15:23 PM

Basic Traffic Control course is a customized course. So the course is customized depending on the participants as per request. The participants are not only from the Land and transport authority. The participants from other road contractor relation construction companies also practice the course. The course is a four hours course. This course is a worker-level course. Registration lines are open f

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04-May-2022 10:47 AM

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a nongovernmental organization comprised of national standards bodies; it develops and publishes proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards and comprises representatives from national standards bodies. BENEFITS OF ISO CERTIFICATE: 1. Suitable for small and large businesses. 2. Improved internal management. 3. Reduced waste. 4.

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