
We assist you for your Consulting Needs

14-Oct-2021 19:28 PM

We assist you for your Consulting Needs: A group of industry professionals has founded Dynamic Safety, a Singapore-based consulting company dedicated to providing Environment, Workplace Health & Safety, and Quality services to businesses. We offer a wide range of QEHS solutions to a variety of sectors through our experts. We provide the best health, safety, and environmental solutions

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17-May-2023 14:27 PM

SHIPYARD SAFETY INSTRUCTION COURSES: In the Workplace Safety and Health Regulations, every employee shall carry out no work that is deemed hazardous in a shipyard or onboard a ship in a harbor unless he has completed a Safety and Health Training Course approved by the Commissioner for Workplace Safety and Health. Accidents happen everywhere, but in a shipyard, the work environment is often dange

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14-Oct-2021 19:27 PM

ISO 22000:2018 implementation can provide a number of benefits, such as:  Management and communication improvements. Quality, reliability, and safety assurances. Reduction of costs associated with withdrawals and recalls. Reputation and brand loyalty improved. More confidence in disclosures. Less food-borne diseases. Best quality and secure jobs in the food industry. Better utilizati

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Who attend the Apply WSH IN Shipyard (General Trade)?

17-May-2023 14:25 PM

Who attend the Apply WSH IN Shipyard (General Trade?) The person who enter the shipyard industry newly to start their work that person should take the shipyard safety instruction course for General trade course. In this course, covers the ship repair works, paint work and other small works. These course is delievers the knowledge of design, maintenance, and construction. The individual person

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bizSAFE Star - Q & A

14-Oct-2021 19:26 PM

To arrive at bizSAFE STAR, your firm should have SS506 Certification provide by SAC accredited Certification or ISO 45001:2018 certification. 1.    Are there any possibilities to move on to bizSAFE Star directly?  It is possible to move on to bizSAFE Start directly The company has bizSAFE level 1 and level 2 certificates mean the company can directly move on bizSAFE on a leve

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Background investigation in Accident investigation

14-Oct-2021 19:25 PM

Examine the employment and injury records of any injured employee(s) and/or those whose actions contributed to the accident. Review reports of injuries to people or damage to equipment, machines, buildings, or property. Make a list of witnesses to the accident. Utilize a range of tools to observe the area's normal conditions. It would include maps, floor plans, wiring diagrams, and any o

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