
What is Condo Residence Course?

16-May-2023 14:15 PM

    A Condo means a short for “condominium,” is a private residence owned by an individual house owner or family in a building or community with multiple units. Although they are usually part of a larger high-rise building.      It consists of a large space and it can be split up into many partitions with swimming pools, car parking, and garden.  &n

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SAC Approved Auditor

16-May-2023 14:13 PM

The Accreditation plan for Auditing Organisations (AOs) was launched in 2017. It is one of the accreditation plans under the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) which is carryon by Enterprise Singapore. The main purpose of Auditing Organisations plans is to Provide by means of assessment, the assurance that the professional practice by auditing organizations are in accordance with relevant crite

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How the ISO 45001:2018 is the difference from OHSAS 18001?

14-Oct-2021 12:43 PM

Difference between OHSAS 18001 & ISO 45001:2018 OHSAS 18001 focuses on identifying the hazard risk of Workplace but ISO 45001:2018 focuses on preventing the hazard risk of Workplace.  OHSAS 18001 nature is applicable only oni Singapore and the ISO 45001:2018 is applicable worldwide. OHSAS 18001 maintains the leadership to senior management but ISO 45001

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Do you need any help to implement Safety Management Measures (SMM)?

14-Oct-2021 12:43 PM

Implement a system of Safe Management Measures Employers must implement the Safety Management Measures to provide a safe working environment and minimize the risks of COVID-19 outbreaks.  Implement a detailed monitoring plan to ensure compliance with Safety Management Measures. Appoint Safety Management Officer (SMO) to assist in the implementation, coordination, and monitoring of the system

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What is mean by CERT 3 Course?

16-May-2023 14:11 PM

CERT 3 Course is nothing but a set of these there-courses. It includes WSQ Implement Incident Management Processes CERT First Aid Course (CPR+AED). WSQ Emergency Response Crisis Management Development and Implementation. The participant who needs the CPD points can take these courses. The participant who wants to become a fire safety officer and who is in the Security sector or any o

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How to achieve bizSAFE certification?

14-Oct-2021 12:41 PM

Do you want to achieve the bizSAFE certification? There are five levels to you achieve the bizSAFE certification. Level 1 is a company's top management person/CEO, should attend the half-day workshop for bizSAFE.Then you will achieve bizSAFE Level 1. Level 2 is a company's RM champion, should attend the 2 days for the Risk Management course. Then You will rise to bizSAFE Level 2. Level

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