
Benefits of GGBS

13-Oct-2021 19:13 PM

Benefits of GGBS Adoption of innovative green practices Optimization of cost-saving by energy conservation and waste transformation Alignment and compliance with Government policy in environmental protection Adoption of friendlier and gracious construction practices Establishment of good rapport and relationship with neighbors and clients The safe, healthy and gracious working environment

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What are the important reasons for using HACCP?

13-Oct-2021 19:12 PM

What are the most important reasons for using HACCP? HACCP is important because it prioritizes and controls potential hazards in food production. By controlling major food risks, such as microbiological, chemical and physical contaminants, the industry can better assure consumers that its products are as safe as good science and technology allows. By reducing foodborne hazards, public health prot

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Elements of SHMS Audit

15-May-2023 17:36 PM

The critical elements of an effective SHMS are: Management commitment, Employees involvement, The Worksite analysis, Training for employees, supervisors, and managers, Hazard prevention and control. Dynamic safety has experienced Auditors to provides an Auditing Service to your Organization.

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Safety Orientation Course (Tunneling) for Workers

15-May-2023 17:36 PM

The SOC (Tunneling) for workers is a mandatory training course for an employee who carries out work in a tunnel in building and engineering construction work-site. The learners should be able to recognize the safety hazards working in a tunnel, know the preventive measures to be adopted and understand the importance of observing safety signs and safe work procedures. The course aims to introduce

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Duties of Lifting Supervisors

13-Oct-2021 19:10 PM

The duties and responsibilities of a lifting supervisor include: co-ordinating and supervising all lifting activities in accordance with the Lifting Plan. briefing all lifting team members (i.e., crane operators, riggers and signalmen) on the Lifting Plan, risk control measure and safe lifting procedure before the commencement of any lifting operation. ensuring that only registered crane oper

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How to Celebrate a Safe Diwali

13-Oct-2021 19:10 PM

Every festival has its own significance and meaning to its celebration. Diwali, the festival of lights signifies the end of darkness (ignorance) and the beginning of light that enlightens us all.   Clothes and Shoes: To avoid your clothes getting on fire, it is strictly advised to wear cotton clothes while bursting crackers.  Fire Extinguisher: Always keep a fire

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