Basic Traffic Supervisor course is under Customized course. So we can able to compress or expand the syllabus in the course content. This course is for all level. For Worker, Supervisor, and Manager level course. The main role and responsibility of these supervisor-level participants are to monitor and maintain the workplace. They have the main duty to do a lot of the work for the Worker. They d
Read MorebizSAFE level 3 certificate is a risk management implementation process. We will provide consulting services and arrange for a SAC-approved auditor to audit the document and submit it to WSH Council. bizSAFE certification will be provided by WSH Council. Needed Documents: bizSAFE level 1and level 2 certificate Company ACRA Company organization certs Company profile. A bizSAFE level
Read MoreIntegrated energy management processes are integrated into everyday business operations and procedures. A key objective is to enable organizations to better manage their plan-do-act cycle energy use, achieve operating cost savings, and continuously improve energy efficiency. The government is looking into or actively implementing approaches to encourage industry adoption. Promoting ISO 50001 comp
Read MoreWorkshop To Enhance The Safety Of Crane Operation (WESCO) This course is for registered MOM Approved crane operators. This crane work operation is carried out in all the work sectors like Engineering, Construction, Logistics, and Transportation. We will conduct the In-house training for this course. We have to renew the certificate every two years. The Registered MOM Approved crane card is a must
Read MorebizSAFE is a five-step program designed to help companies maximize their workplace safety and health capabilities. The bizSAFE logo can be proudly displayed on business collateral (like letterheads, name cards, etc.) as a representation of a company's commitment to safety. BENEFITS OF bizSAFE Employees are safer and healthier Increasing business competitiveness Recognized by industry an
Read MoreThe majority of serious harm accidents are caused by falls from roofs and ladders on construction sites. More injuries happen there. Falls from height, however, are most commonly caused by inadequate measures being taken to prevent the fall, not recognizing the hazard. Employers who work at heights can prevent falls and injuries by implementing a fall prevention program. It is Dynamic Safety's
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