
Qualities that Help Desk Technicians Must Possess

14-Oct-2021 17:32 PM

Put Customers First:          The best help desk technicians put end-users always first. This means making your current end user’s problem occur be your primary priority, even if you don’t sight it as a pressing issue. Be Empathetic:           Empathy is hands down more essential than technical help desk skills. Empathetic help des

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ISO standards (Integrated Management System)

14-Oct-2021 17:32 PM

The Integrated Management System, or IMS the effective way of handling the multitude of functions and procedures that are conducted by the construction projects, and all IMS companies aspects of organization system, processes, and standards into one smart system.  The organization to integrate two or three or more management system standards together for implementation in the organization.&nb

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Techniques of CPR+AED

16-May-2023 17:22 PM

           This course is designed for protecting people from major or unexpected accidents in Workplace. Some people have heavy bloodlessness, Unconsciousness, Affected by poisoning Bites and Heavy Injuries. This course enhances the knowledge of Resuscitation and principles to recover people from Heavy Injuries and people suffering from a severe heart attack. The w

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OverTime (OT) Exemption Audit

16-May-2023 17:21 PM

The objective of the Overtime Exemption Audit is to assess risk levels of work activities in an organization which is required to be carried out by overtime beyond 12 hours a day. The total manways required to complete this audit is 1 Manday. The audit is applicable to those organizations that are applying for Overtime Exemption. This audit will be conducted by MOM Approved Auditor. The Auditor

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WSQ Manage Working at Height Manager (MWAH)

16-May-2023 17:20 PM

This Course ensures safety at working at a height in a workplace. Its includes planning, Supervising, assessing, and managing. The Candidate learns, how to apply the relevant workplace safety and health legislation. Then Explain the Roles and Responsible of the supervisor. The course delivers the knowledge of Risk Evaluation and Implement the control measures Of WAH Activities. Review the necess

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Rescue plan for working at height:

16-May-2023 17:17 PM

Rescue plan for working at height:          Even if you have taken all the necessary safety measures that are legally required, it's impossible to account for everything, That is why it is so necessary that a working at heights rescue plan at the site in case of an accident or wounds.           The HSE makes sure this is taken to account

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