
New version of ISO 50001:2018

14-Oct-2021 16:42 PM

The new standard, ISO 50001:2018, has several changes related to the previous version:  It makes it easier to integrate the various management systems to align the system with other business processes ( ISO 14001:2015 (environment), ISO 45001:2018 (occupational health and safety), ISO 9001:2015 (quality) and other standards for management systems. Top management will have to be

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Basic Traffic supervisor Course

16-May-2023 15:46 PM

Basic traffic supervisor course objectives:              Now Dynamic Safety introduces a Basic Traffic Supervisor Course (BTSC) with good quality standards and affordable price. This course has skill in future funding.             This course covers the planning and maintenance of traffic control at worksite and Highway. This cour

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Benefits of bizSAFE STAR

14-Oct-2021 16:41 PM

bizSAFE STAR:-        The bizSAFE is a five-level program. each level has an individual certificate.  bizSAFE star is the last part of bizSAFE levels         If you want to achieve the bizSAFE star in your organization, your enterprise must obtain  OHSAS or ISO 45001 certificate.       Already yo

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Duties of Lifting Supervisor

14-Oct-2021 16:40 PM

(a) Act as a key member of the Crane Team (b) The riggers, the Crane Operator, and any other person involved in the lift are familiar with and follow the safe system of work and the details and limitations recorded in the lifting plan, (c) Tower Crane Operators working hours do not exceed the operating criteria, (d) Crane Operators are suitably trained and competent (if not informs Crane Co-ordina

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ConSASS Audit - Construction Safety Audit.

16-May-2023 15:45 PM

ConSASS stands for Construction Safety Audit Scoring System which is used to evaluate the effectiveness and maturity level of the company's occupational safety and health management system (SHMS). The audit checklist is derived from audit questionnaires from numerous codes and standards. It provides auditors with the convenience of using this one checklist to fulfill the primary fun

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Conversion of OHSAS to ISO 45001:2018

14-Oct-2021 14:29 PM

The ISO 45001:2018 focuses on the occupational health and safety management system of an organization. Published in March 2018, this standard works towards eliminating the chance of any potential disease and injuries related to occupation. It also follows the structure of ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015, so that it is easy to integrate these standards in any organization if it has already receive

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